Here you can find the latest Graffiti Smash gift codes that you can redeem right now!
If your goal is to find all the codes in Graffiti Smash, then our article is everything you need. We’ll tell you how to redeem the gift codes, what the rewards are, and where you can get more, so without further ado, let’s dive right in!
Graffiti Smash gift codes
These are all the available gift codes in Graffiti Smash. Claim them before they expire! The codes are NOT case-sensitive.
- FBw3cdh – 30 Gems
- NewYear5np – 50 Gems
- kbuxu74 – 30 Gems
- g2cgzb – 30 Gems
- 3x7yyq – 30 Gems
- yacje6 – 30 Gems
- kgbwbn – 30 Gems
- 1eqyhfd – 30 Gems
- YMWCTS – 30 Gems
- 84k999 – 30 Gems
- ec8t2h – 30 Gems
- Pref52h64mh – 3 AP Meat, 188 Gems & 1 Gacha Ticket
- ksgr4vu
- cfwt62
- SAM44zck
- BTbn2w5q
- HWr8pesb3z
Expired codes
- Hayzink
- SAM44zck – code doesn’t work, I get the “gift channel mismatch” error
- HWr8pesb3z – code doesn’t work, I get the “gift channel mismatch” error
- BTbn2w5q – code doesn’t work, I get the “gift channel mismatch” error
See also: Zio and the Magic Scrolls codes
How to redeem codes
This is how you can redeem all the working codes we mentioned above:
- Open the Menu in the top right corner.
- Select the Options setting.
- Tap on Redeem Code.
- Type in your code and select OK.
The rewards will appear in your in-game mailbox (the Gift option from the Menu). Now, all that’s left to do is enjoy the rewards!
We’ll update you with more codes as soon as we find any new ones! In the meantime, you can check out some of our other guides or codes, and if you know any codes that we didn’t mention, feel free to share them in the comments!