How to Complete All Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Achievements – Guide to Hidden ToA Achievements

Do you want to complete all the Achievements in Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures, including the secret (hidden) ones? This guide will give you all you need to get started and show you how to get all the Achievements available.

I’ve played the game a lot more than I thought I would, and in the process, I stumbled upon a few hidden Achievements that I think you’d be thrilled to learn about. Not all of them are difficult to obtain, but some of them are. In this article, I’ve shared my knowledge of all the Achievements in the game, what you need to do, and how you can complete them.

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Champion’s Path Achievements Guide

Achievement NameRequirements & Rewards
Raid Conqueror 1How to unlock: Reach Top 10 in Raid Rankings 1 time
Rewards: Title
Raid Conqueror 2How to unlock: Reach Top 10 in Raid Rankings 50 times
Rewards: Title
Raid Vanquisher 1How to unlock: Reach Top 100 in Raid Rankings 1 time
Rewards: Title
Raid Vanquisher 2How to unlock: Reach Top 100 in Raid Rankings 50 times
Rewards: Title
Raid Challenger 1How to unlock: Reach Top 1000 in Raid Rankings 1 time
Rewards: Title
Raid Challenger 2How to unlock: Reach Top 1000 in Raid Rankings 50 times
Rewards: Title
Glass Labyrinth Conqueror 1How to unlock: Reach Challenger in Infinite Labyrinth 1 time
Rewards: Title
Glass Labyrinth Conqueror 2How to unlock: Reach Challenger in Infinite Labyrinth 20 times
Rewards: Title
Glass Labyrinth Vanquisher 1How to unlock: Reach Grandmaster in Infinite Labyrinth 1 time
Rewards: Title
Glass Labyrinth Vanquisher 2How to unlock: Reach Grandmaster in Infinite Labyrinth 20 times
Rewards: Title

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Chronicles of Adventure Achievements Guide

Achievement NameRequirements & Rewards
[SECRET] Carrying the TeamHow to unlock: Clear Raid Stage 4 with only one Cookie left standing (4-player team)
Rewards: 50 Crystals
[SECRET] Just In TimeHow to unlock: Clear a Raid with 3 seconds remaining
Rewards: 50 Crystals
Hey, listen!How to unlock: Use a Stamp while in combat
Rewards: 20 Crystals
PopularHow to unlock: Make 100 friends
Rewards: 50 Crystals
Boss HunterHow to unlock: Clear a Raid [multiple times]
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Gold MedalistHow to unlock: Earn a Gold Trophy in Raid Mode [multiple times]
Rewards: 20 Crystals
The Beekeeper’s JourneyHow to unlock: Clear Hexagon Bee Forest with a C rank or higher (Skips included)
Rewards: 20 Crystals
The Path of the Bounty HunterHow to unlock: Clear Hangster Hideout with a C rank or higher (Skips included)
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Miner’s TrailHow to unlock: Clear Ascensionite Mine with a C rank or higher (Skips included)
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Welcome aboard!How to unlock: Draw in the Basic Cookie Gacha
Rewards: 100 Crystals
Kept you waiting, huh?How to unlock: Draw in the Special Cookie Gacha
Rewards: 100 Crystals
Golden TicketHow to unlock: Draw in the Basic Artifact Gacha
Rewards: 100 Crystals
Rainbow TokenHow to unlock: Draw in the Special Artifact Gacha
Rewards: 100 Crystals
So Much to Buy…How to unlock: Spend Coins
Rewards: Title
So Many Things I Want…How to unlock: Spend Crystals
Rewards: Title
Frequency RiderHow to unlock: Earn Tower Pass EXP
Rewards: 20 Crystals
All of These, Please!How to unlock: Purchase items from the Shop
Rewards: Title

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Train Journey Achievements Guide

Achievement NameRequirements & Rewards
Explore the Jolly Jelly ForestHow to unlock: Collect all Stars, Bear Jellies, and Treasure Chests in Normal Mode Chapter 1
Rewards: Title
Explore the Windy Peanut WildsHow to unlock: Collect all Stars, Bear Jellies, and Treasure Chests in Normal Mode Chapter 2
Rewards: Title
Explore the Peanut ParishHow to unlock: Collect all Stars, Bear Jellies, and Treasure Chests in Normal Mode Chapter 3
Rewards: Title
Explore the Abandoned Candy MinesHow to unlock: Collect all Stars, Bear Jellies, and Treasure Chests in Normal Mode Chapter 4
Rewards: Title
Explore the Candy Crystal CavesHow to unlock: Collect all Stars, Bear Jellies, and Treasure Chests in Normal Mode Chapter 5
Rewards: Title
Explore the Banana JungleHow to unlock: Collect all Stars, Bear Jellies, and Treasure Chests in Normal Mode Chapter 6
Rewards: Title
Explore the Ruins of Bana BanaHow to unlock: Collect all Stars, Bear Jellies, and Treasure Chests in Normal Mode Chapter 7
Rewards: Title
Deeper in the Jolly Jelly ForestHow to unlock: Collect all Stars, Bear Jellies, and Treasure Chests in Hard Mode Chapter 1
Rewards: Title
More Achievements to be added as new Stages are released!

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Cookies of the Tower Achievements Guide

Achievement NameRequirements & Rewards
[SECRET] A World Without WeaponsHow to unlock: Break down 10 weapons at the same time without including other equipment
Rewards: Title
Cookie CollectorHow to unlock: Obtain a Cookie
Rewards: 50 Crystals
Special PassengerHow to unlock: Acquire an EPIC Cookie
Rewards: 50 Crystals
Even Crispier!How to unlock: Upgrade a Cookie to Lv. 50
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Higher!How to unlock: Promote a Cookie to 2*
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Even Higher!How to unlock: Promote a Cookie to 3*
Rewards: 30 Crystals
Not Even My Final FormHow to unlock: Promote a Cookie to 4*
Rewards: 40 Crystals
The Stuffing of LegendHow to unlock: Promote a Cookie to 5*
Rewards: 50 Crystals
Collector of Unique EquipmentHow to unlock: Obtain UNIQUE Equipment
Rewards: 50 Crystals
Equipment CollectorHow to unlock: Obtain Equipment
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Apprentice BlacksmithHow to unlock: Upgrade Equipment to Lv. 10
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Novice BlacksmithHow to unlock: Upgrade Equipment to Lv. 20
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Masterful BlacksmithHow to unlock: Upgrade Equipment to Lv. 30
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Master of the CraftHow to unlock: Upgrade Equipment to Lv. 40
Rewards: 20 Crystals
One With the AnvilHow to unlock: Upgrade Equipment to Lv. 50
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Folded a Thousand TimesHow to unlock: Promote Equipment to 5*
Rewards: 50 Crystals
Clang! CLANG!How to unlock: Craft Equipment
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Artifact CollectorHow to unlock: Acquire Artifacts
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Epic Artifact CollectorHow to unlock: Acquire EPIC Artifacts
Rewards: 50 Crystals
Towards a Bright FutureHow to unlock: Promote Artifact to 5*
Rewards: 50 Crystals
Towards an Even Brighter FutureHow to unlock: Promote EPIC Artifact to 5*
Rewards: 100 Crystals
Clang! Clang! Clang!How to unlock: Craft Artifacts
Rewards: 50 Crystals

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Cookie Master I Achievements Guide

Complete Cookie Master I Reward: Title

Achievement NameRequirements & Rewards
Do the Old SwitcherooHow to unlock: Switch Cookies in combat
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Sunset SentinelHow to unlock: Score critical hits with Rye Cookie 77 times (single game)
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Endure with Fiery Passion!How to unlock: Absorb 30,000 damage with Crushed Pepper Cookie’s shield (single game)
Rewards: 20 Crystals
The Best Defense…How to unlock: Deal 25,000 damage to a Raid Boss using Angel Cookie (single game)
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Alchemist of the CaveHow to unlock: Clear a stage of Abandoned Candy Mines using Alchemist Cookie 1 time
Rewards: 20 Crystals
I won’t forget!How to unlock: Defeat Banana-Kong in Story Mode 6-15 using Plantain Cookie
Rewards: 20 Crystals

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Raid Master I Achievements Guide

Complete Raid Master I Reward: Title

Achievement NameRequirements & Rewards
Re-a-BakeningHow to unlock: Revive fallen Cookies in Raids
Rewards: 20 Crystals
A Living LegendHow to unlock: Complete a Stage 4 Raid without dying once
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Pattern RecognitionHow to unlock: Complete Raid Stage 4 with no hits taken by any player (4-player party)
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Piece Of Cake!How to unlock: Finish a Raid Boss battle in 10 seconds
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Divine BlessingsHow to unlock: Have all players receive Rainbow Chests (4-player party)
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Taste this!How to unlock: Deal damage to a Raid Boss
Rewards: 20 Crystals
I Found The PatternHow to unlock: Clar Raid Stage 4 without taking any hits
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Kage Bunshin No Jutsu!How to unlock: Clear a Raid using 4 of the same Cookie (4-player party)
Rewards: 20 Crystals
The Spice Of LifeHow to unlock: Complete a Raid using Cookies of 4 unique Elements
Rewards: 20 Crystals

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures World Exploration Master I Achievements Guide

Complete World Exploration I Reward: Title

I’ve written a complete guide on how to complete these Achievements, so make sure you read the article on how to get The All-Rounder Title in Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures right here!

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Labyrinth Memories Achievements Guide

Complete Labyrinth Memories Reward: Title

Achievement NameRequirements & Rewards
The Dawn of MemoriesHow to unlock: Obtain Stars in the Labyrinth of Remembrance
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Labyrinth SeekerHow to unlock: Claim rewards from the Glass Labyrinth
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Labyrinth ProtectorHow to unlock: Reach a high score of 150,000 in a season of Infinite Labyrinth
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Labyrinth PioneerHow to unlock: Earn score in Infinite Labyrinth (total, any season)
Rewards: 20 Crystals

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures Cookie Alliance I Achievements Guide

Complete Cookie Alliance I Reward: Title

Achievement NameRequirements & Rewards
Cookie Was HereHow to unlock: Check in at your Guild
Rewards: 20 Crystals
The Generous CookieHow to unlock: Assist with Guild Requests
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Exemplary GuildmateHow to unlock: Reach 10,000 Guild Contribution in a single Guild
Rewards: 20 Crystals
Welcome Aboard!How to unlock: Join a Guild
Rewards: 20 Crystals
This is how you can complete all the Achievements in Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures, including the Secret (hidden) Achievements. I will add more as I discover them, but until then, feel free to share the ones you’ve discovered in the comments and I will update this!

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